? - Sunnexo ♪


A collab with Emplexx and Wherefore for All Nighter Vol. 8

You can buy the All Nighter Vol. 8 album on Bandcamp to support Out and Equal, an organization dedicated to workplace equality for LGBTQ+ individuals.

Thanks to @emplexx and @whereforetunes for collaborating!

Emplexx: emi.moe - twitter - youtube
Wherefore: twitter - youtube

? - Dev Talk

A collab with Emplexx and Wherefore for All Nighter Vol. 8

All Nighter is an annual music event where musicians try to make a song within 24 hours, to raise money for charity. From about 500 submissions only 45 tracks got selected and put in the album. Here's my last minute blog post explaining what I did!!

Saturday afternoon I saw Emplexx sitting in their discord server streaming FL Studio and I joined them in their sound design session. At first we didn't know what to do but after a bit of experimenting we got an interesting idea down.

I had to leave for holiday right when the event started, so I only managed to spend a few hours on the project at home. Emplexx and Wherefore took my initial idea and expanded upon it, while I gave feedback from the airport.

Lastly we had to come up with a song title...

I went into this without any expectations but ended up getting in somehow??

Thank you for reading, you can buy the All Nighter Vol. 8 album on Bandcamp to support Out and Equal, an organization dedicated to workplace equality for LGBTQ+ individuals.